Love the Crunch is a celebration of four crunchy salad vegetables – Curvy, refreshing radishes, elegant, crunchy Chinese leaf lettuce (actually a type of cabbage), punchy spring onions and nature’s spoon, crisp celery.

Vital Crunch
Taste is important. Definitely. Snacking on peppery radishes; sharp spring onions to cut through rich crispy duck; celery is as crucial as onions for the base of a stew (according to Rose Prince of the Daily Telegraph).
Texture is vital too. Just ask Heston Blumenthal’s staff and customers who wore headphones to hear the crunch of their food. Hearing the crunch made them think of their veg as even crunchier. Using all your senses when you eat affects your experience of food – accepting that you might look a bit odd wearing headphones at the dining table, unless you’re alone.
So. No need for microphones or headphones here. Just crunchy fresh refreshing salad veg.
Take a couple of minutes to browse. There are good looking, health giving root juices (you’ll be both when you’ve enjoyed one of these) ; refreshing salads like this radish and citrus Chinese leaf version; lunch aldesko to the envy of your colleagues with a slice of spring onion and feta frittata; and go all out for comfort food – Fenland celery tarte tatin with Parmesan and sage crust… Bloody Mary on the side?
If you’re hungry for more information there’s plenty here about Celery [including Fenland celery] and Radish.